IELTs teacher

Professional one to one tuition

Is there an individual who has contributed more to the English language than Shakespeare and indeed many have been imported into other languages around the world.

How many of the idioms below have you heard before?

  1. all that glitters isn’t gold
  2. all the world’s a stage
  3. barefaced
  4. be all and end all
  5. break the ice
  6. breathe one’s last
  7. brevity is the soul of wit
  8. catch a cold
  9. clothes make the man
  10. disgraceful conduct
  11. dog will have his day
  12. eat out of house and home
  13. elbow room
  14. fair play
  15. fancy-free
  16. flaming youth
  17. foregone conclusion
  18. frailty, thy name is woman
  19. give the devil his due
  20. green eyed monster
  21. heart of gold
  22. heartsick
  23. hot-blooded
  24. housekeeping
  25. it smells to heaven
  26. it’s Greek to me
  27. lackluster
  28. leapfrog
  29. live long day
  30. long-haired
  31. method in his madness
  32. mind’s eye
  33. ministering angel
  34. more sinned against than sinning
  35. naked truth
  36. neither a borrower nor a lender be
  37. one fell swoop
  38. outrageous fortune
  39. pitched battle
  40. primrose path
  41. strange bedfellows
  42. the course of true love never did run smooth
  43. the lady doth protest too much
  44. the milk of human kindness
  45. to thine own self be true
  46. too much of a good thing
  47. towering passion
  48. wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve
  49. witching time of the night